Evaluate User Interaction with Your Links
Evaluate User Interaction with Your Links
Utilize a straightforward split-testing method to direct traffic to multiple landing pages, eliminating the hassle of posting several links on your page. Enhance crucial components such as call-to-action placement, content, design, and more to boost web traffic, engagement, and conversion rates.
Optimize Your Traffic Funnel
Simultaneously test up to 10 variations of the same URL. Assign either equal or customized traffic percentages to each destination link, strategically distributing visitors. Identify the most effective URL that consistently achieves the highest engagement.
Flexible Destination URLs
Flexible Destination URLs
Effortlessly manage your link destinations by adding, removing, or modifying them at any time, without the need to create new links. Adjust the traffic flow in real-time to each destination or entirely replace the destinations according to your needs.
Convert Visitors into Customers
Experiment with aspects such as homepage layout, product descriptions, and the shopping cart process to enhance the overall customer experience. Discover which types of content, design elements, graphics, navigation structures, and checkout procedures lead to successful transactions.
Monitor & Enhance Website Performance
Monitor & Enhance Website Performance
A/B testing provides a practical and quantifiable method to assess user engagement on your website or any URL. Advanced click tracking enhances conversion rates among returning visitors. By tracking clicks and views meticulously, you can refine the effectiveness of your outbound links.
Ideal Times for A/B Testing
Conduct A/B tests when creating or revamping a landing page for your marketing campaigns or e-commerce sites. Make data-driven decisions to achieve optimal outcomes for your website and marketing initiatives.
Make your BjliStudio even more powerful
Access advanced BjliStudio features and the ability to analyze all of your links from a single dashboard.
Stop guessing. Get BjliStudio.
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